25.11.2023 -10.3.2024

There Should Have Been Roses er udarbejdet af Bizarro i samarbejde med HFKD og de udstillende kunstnere Chino Amobi, Lea Porsager og Ursula Reuter Christiansen. Udstillingen låner havearbejdet fra J. P. Jacobsens novelle “Der burde have været Roser” til et indendørs havelandskab, der bl.a. undersøger blomsten som et objekt for forskellig tænkning på tværs af kunstnernes praksisser. Med kunsten som en form for syntetisk natur, inviteres besøgende til en vandretur rundt i den litterære have, hvor der både tilbydes fordybelse, forplejning og et kritisk blik på forholdet mellem virkelighed og repræsentation. Mellem frygt og opblomstring.

Bizarro er et kuratorisk researchkollektiv og udstillingssted i København. Siden 2020 har Bizarro lavet solo- og duoudstillinger med både danske og internationale kunstnere, altid med det formål at styrke samarbejdet mellem kunstner, kunstformidler og kurator. Bizarro er drevet af kunsthistoriker Mai Dengsøe og billedkunstnere Louis Scherfig og Magnus Andersen.

There Should Have Been Roses is produced by Bizarro in collaboration with HFKD and the exhibiting artists Chino Amobi, Lea Porsager and Ursula Reuter Christiansen. The exhibition borrows the gardening from J. P. Jacobsen’s short story “Der burde have været Roser” (There Should Have Been Roses) for an indoor garden landscape that, among other things, examines the flower as an object for different thinking across the artists’ practices. With art as a form of synthetic nature, visitors are invited to a walk around the literary garden, where both immersion, nourishment and a critical look at the relationship between reality and representation are offered. Between fear and flourishing.

Bizarro is a curatorial research collective and exhibition space in Copenhagen. Since 2020, Bizarro has made solo and duo exhibitions with both Danish and international artists, always with the aim of strengthening the collaboration between artist, art mediator and curator. Bizarro is run by art historian Mai Dengsøe and visual artists Louis Scherfig and Magnus Andersen.

The exhibition is kindly supported by Danish Arts Foundation, Holstebro Municipality, Færch Foundation, Det Obelske Familiefond and Augustinus Foundation.

Nørrebrogade 1
7500 Holstebro

Opening hours:
Thursday and Friday 14.00 – 18.00 (NOTE! Closed Friday 15/12)
Saturday and Sunday 12.00 -16.00
Free entry 

For more information, please contact Ditte Soria:

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